PASIGARBO: A CMCian World Teachers’ Day Celebration

by | Nov 23, 2023 | CTE Exponent

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With hearts full of affection and appreciation, the college students of Central Mindanao Colleges (CMC) held the culminating activity for the World Teachers’ Day on October 6, 2022 with the theme “The Transformation of Education Begins with Teachers”, The event was facilitated by the College of Teacher Education (CTE) Student Council led by Ms. Steffany Peña Jaum, CTE Student Council’s Governor.

CMC is able to celebrate the World Teacher’s Day once more after waiting for a long time. The students took this chance to organize a program for their teachers. Students and teachers alike were gathered around the quadrangle to honor teachers’ efforts to help and impart their knowledge to the students.

The event was full of exciting activities meant to show the students’ appreciation for their teachers. Different college departments offered various tokens and heartfelt messages to their teachers as a form of gratitude for all their pursuit in providing their students the education that they need. The event ended with everyone sporting big smiles in their faces.

Indeed, it is a great honor to be under the tutelage of our esteemed educators. The CMCian studentry will always remember and will forever be grateful to them for their dedication and passion to teach.

CMC CTE Exponent | CJR