Center for International Affairs and Linkages

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Commitment to Institutional Vision and Mission

Anchoring on its mission to be an academic institution providing quality instruction, developing innovative researches and engaging in responsive extension programs; that is committed to produce competent and socially responsible individuals who can carry out responsibilities for the local communities and global community, the Central Mindanao Colleges has been consistently reaching out to its internal and external stakeholders especially from academic institutions, research institutes, private sector and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in the country and abroad to be able to develop its human and logistical resources in order to contribute to the achievement of its vision to be a premier academic institution providing holistic education in pursuit for global excellence.

For 75 years of CMC, one of the priorities of the institution is to build meaningful collaborations and linkages with local and international partners in pursuit of sustaining the academic and non-academic excellence the college has been providing to its clientele as well its partner communities.


In 2016, through Memorandum Order No. 55[i], the Commission on Higher Education (CHED) has affirmed the importance of Internationalization of Higher Education Institutions (HEIs). Article II of the CMO enumerates its objectives which includes to (a) articulate the Philippine higher education internationalization policy to provide national perspective and context for various initiatives related to internationalization as well as (d) to set the principles to guide Philippine HEIs in pursuing internationalization.

Defining Internationalization

Knight (2003) defines internationalization of higher education in its broadest sense involves the integration of international, intercultural or global dimensions to HEIs purpose, functions and/or delivery[ii]. Knight and de Wit (1997) also described it to involve the process of interchange of higher education between nations, between national systems of higher education and between institutions of higher education.

Section 2 of the CMO 55 s. 2016 also underscored that there are two (2) pillars of internationalization: (1) home-based (within national borders) and (2) cross-border which are closely linked and are interdependent. The former takes place through collaborations and linkages with foreign HEIs, often enabled by information technology, without the stakeholders involved moving out of the national territories while the latter can involve mobility of concerned stakeholders.

Considering the aforementioned pillars, CMC has been involved mostly on home-based Internationalization but is hopeful that in due time, it can also be involved in cross border initiatives once necessary requirements are complied.

In compliance to the aforementioned CMO and to manifest its commitment to uphold the significance of internationalization in the system of the institution, the Central Mindanao Colleges has officially established the Center for International Affairs and Linkages (CIAL).


The Center for International Affairs and Linkages (CIAL) is mandated to:

a. Collect quarterly , maintain regularly and monitor the records local and international linkages and collaborations of all offices of the institution;

b. lead in establishing and monitoring institutional linkages and partnerships with local and foreign academic and non-academic institutions to initiate local and international programs, projects and activities;

c. consolidate and promote academic and non-academic foreign exchange programs, international conferences, trainings, workshops and other related activities;

d. assist in the processing of application of CMC undergraduate and graduate students/ alumni who are interested in foreign exchange programs and further studies;

e. assist in the processing of necessary documents of faculty and researchers of CMC and of partner foreign institutions involved in research collaborations in the country and abroad;



The CIAL shall offer services including but not limited to:



The center shall be the primary office of the institution that shall facilitate the inventory, consolidation and monitoring of the local and international linkages and collaborations setup by the different offices of CMC. To be specific, it shall:

a. provide appropriate templates for inventory forms, partnership documents such as Memorandum of Agreements / Understanding, and other necessary documents;

b. collect quarterly the soft and hard copies of the partnership documents as well as other materials used to document the conduct of the collaboration activities such as accomplishment report, photo documentation and others;

c. input and update regularly the records of local and international linkages and partnerships; and

d. onsite and online conduct monitoring of recorded collaborations




Other than office-based initiatives, the center shall lead in initiating the establishment of institutional linkages and collaborations with local and international internal and external stakeholders. To be specific, it shall:

a. Lead or partner with specific offices in the development of project proposals / concept notes and other relevant documents;

b. draft institutional partnership documents such as as MOA, MOU, etc;

c. conduct exploratory and coordination meetings with existing and potential partners

d. represent CMC in onsite and online roadshows and other events to meet potential local and international partners

e. prepare annual budget plan for the realization of institutional partnerships



To encourage the participation of CMC’s students, faculty, staff as well as alumni and other external stakeholders in foreign capacity development opportunities, the center shall:

a. gather and disseminate important details of these opportunities such as trainings, conferences, workshops and others through onsite and online platforms of CMC;

b. coordinate with organizers to gather further details and possible partnerships;

c. coordinate with specific concerned offices, departments and organizations in CMC and of its local partners which are suitable for the identified international opportunity; and

d. prepare annual budget plan for the conduct of information gathering and dissemination of opportunities; and

e. conduct necessary events to disseminate information about foreign learning opportunities




Considering that engaging in further personal and professional development opportunities outside the country requires preparation of appropriate documents, the center shall:

a. coordinate with organizers, partner institution in the identification of complete requirements;

b. coordinate with government agencies which shall process the documents needed for international travel and engagements such as Department of Foreign Affairs, Bureau of Immigration, Commission on Higher Education, etc.;

c. assist the concerned personnel and stakeholder in their financial and logistical needs (whenever possible and necessary) as they participate and engage with international programs

CHED Memorandum Order No. 55 s. 2016

[1]  Updating the Definition of Internationalization


Welcome to Central Mindanao Colleges, and thank you for taking the time to learn more about us by visiting this website. It contains many resources for you to learn about CMC.

“Education is not preparation for life. Education is life itself.” This famous quotation by John Dewey is, I believe, the most important reason we are all here at Central Mindanao Colleges. Ours is community-centered on our students’ excellence and success, providing exceptional experiences and connections to successful careers. Here you will find exceptional experiences that allow you to grow and develop, explore new interests, and fully realize your potential.

We provide you with holistic education to pursue global excellence, and career-ready graduates have always been central to our vision. Through a process that includes career exploration and professional preparation, we connect you with career paths and foster the skills and mindset needed for professional advancement. Our mission is to provide you with quality instruction, develop innovative research, and engage you in responsive extension programs committed to producing competent and socially responsible individuals who can carry out responsibilities for the local and global communities.[/one_half]

By becoming a CMCian means, you are part of a close-knit community, which we nurture the value of family orientation that will support you from day one and helps you achieve your vision of success. Learning in the new normal is truly challenging, but you will all be ready to face the world of work with God’s grace and assistance from all our teachers. You will find mentors in our faculty, staff and, through our campus’ rich social and cultural life, you will make connections and friendships that will last a lifetime.

Here, you will find the guidance and support to do this. Whether you want to develop your leadership skills, explore your passion for the arts, serve our community, conduct your research, or pursue a career-defining internship.

And today, we convey its importance to you. All together, we can assist you in pursuing your educational goals and aspirations here at Central Mindanao Colleges.

When you walk across the stage as CMCian graduates at commencement, you will have more than just a degree from Central Mindanao Colleges. You will have career direction and the confidence needed for success in your chosen field.

As we move towards our 74th year, I welcome you all our dear students. We are so happy and proud that you have chosen CMC as your school of choice. With the new normal, we are engaged in flexible learning modalities. On behalf of management, we warmly welcome all our new students and loyal students to the college and formally induct and celebrate new students’ entry into higher education.

Stay with us at CMC, and I am very confident that you can surely face the world equipped with all the knowledge, skills, and values you have gained here when you graduate.

With best wishes with your LIFE here at CMC.