In the pursuit of improving the knowledge and research skills of College faculty in the Central Mindanao Colleges, The Research and Publication Office of CMC organized a training or research proposal writing last September 17, 2022, participated by the college faculty together with their respective Deans for every department. The program began with the preliminaries, followed by Dr. Gemma N. Kintanar’s opening remarks. She began her remarks in a very inspiring tone. She quipped, “This training is a fitting occasion for our faculty members to come together and present their proposals that are believed to impact our workplace. Thus it is an excellent opportunity to listen to and appreciate their inputs.” Ms. Julienne Kate Kintanar then introduced the resource person.
As Dr. Felix C. Chavez Jr., the resource person, started his presentation, his remarks captivated the participants and were one of the highlights of this research training. “Research proposal writing is a piece of cake and a plane sailing task. It’s as if you are telling a story to your readers. All you have to do is research your literature sources and then connect these sources piece by piece that will correspond to your concerned research problem,” he stated.
The research writing workshop was held in the afternoon session. Dr. Felix assigned each topic for each college department for the workshop. The topics were the following:
l Technology Self-Efficacy and Techno-stress in Relation to the Instructional Performance of Teachers
l Affective Commitment and Work Stress as Predictors of Work Engagement of Police Officers
l Financial Risk Tolerance and Financial Self-Efficacy in Relation to the Purchasing Behavior of Employees
l Organizational Mindfulness and Collective Trust as Predictors of Proactive Work Behavior of Teachers
l Safety Practices as Predicted by Safety Knowledge and Risk-taking Behavior of Small-Scale Construction Workers
l Work Stress and Coping Strategies in Relation to the Subjective Well-being of Teachers
The event was concluded with different research proposal outputs. Each college department presented its work based on the topic assigned to them. They discussed their problem situation, research gap, the study’s relevance, research questions, framework, methods, and the statistical tools they will use in their research. The training provided an opportunity for faculty to apply what they had learned and the skills they had gained to address specific problems in their field of interest.