CTE Student Leaders Participate in Webinar Series

by | Nov 23, 2023 | CTE Exponent

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ICYMI | Added Learnings up Their Sleeves CTE Student Leaders Participate in Webinar Series

“Brief but concisely discussed”, that is how the student leaders of the College of Teacher Education assessed the New Education Normal Webinar Series entitled, “Seamless Learning Design: Supporting Continuity of Learning Across Environments With Technology”, initiated by the Singapore National Institute of Education and the Nanyang Technological University of Singapore held on January 17, 2023 via ZOOM Meeting platform.

Associate Professor, Dr. Ellen Rusman of the Faculty of Educational Sciences of the Open University of the Netherlands shared inputs being the webinar’s invited resource speaker. She elaborated on what seamless learning design is, how it is applied in the educational setting, and how it is beneficial for those involved in the teaching-learning process.

The webinar provided the participants new insights and methods on how to deliver quality instruction to learners especially now that the new normal is in full effect.

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