CMC CTE Interns Gear Up for Deployment

by | Nov 23, 2023 | CTE Exponent

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ICYMI: CMC, Alive at 75! CTE Interns Gear Up for Deployment

It was a productive morning for the ninth batch of Practice Teachers (PTs) of the College of Teacher Education for the Academic Year 2022-2023 as they successfully completed their first of many seminars starting off with their Career and Personality Development Seminar conducted on February 4 at the CMC Building 9, Rooms 3-4.

With the theme, “For Teachers to Grow and Glow, Come Forth and Learn and Go,” the seminar aimed to equip the CTE PTs with the sufficient knowledge to be psychologically prepared and career-oriented as they take on the next leg of their journey as teachers in training. The half-day discussion was led by CMC Psychology Department Program Head Ms. Lea Sapphira L. Suron, RPm and CMC Guidance Services and Testing Center Guidance Facilitator Mr. June Carl B. Campued.

The seminar made the future educators with a better understanding on how to develop their personality and characteristics in line with their consequent deployment as PTs and reflect on what career and career planning is, how it is done, and its importance to the PTs’ future.

The Practice Teachers are scheduled to be sent to their respective classroom assignments for their In-Campus Deployment this February.

CMC CTE Exponent | KTC